Contents of the Mentoring Relationships Screen

You can perform actions to manage mentoring relationships, such as searching for a mentor, viewing the status of a mentor request, and sending a message to your mentee or mentor.


Column Description
Mentee This is the name of the employee whom you are mentoring.

Click the employee name to see the employee’s Total Talent Profile.

Mentor This is your name.


The buttons and icons on the Mentoring Relationships screen perform the following functions.

Button/Icon Action Description
Pending Mentor Relationships Click this button to see the status of mentorship requests and mentorship relationships, including those that are still pending.

Click to approve a request or to reject a request.

Search for Mentors Click this button to search for employees who have volunteered to be mentors and who have specific skills, competencies, and experiences.
View Click this icon to see the status of a mentoring relationship, including the goal of the relationship and its start and end dates.

You can also send a message to the mentee’s manager.

Messages Click this icon to send a message to your mentor or mentee.

You can also see all of the previous messages that you and your mentor/mentee have exchanged.

Activities Click this icon to see a list of the courses and other activities that the mentor has recommended, and to see the progress that the mentee has made in completing them.

You can also use this screen to add new recommendations.

Transaction Log Click this icon to see the history of all approvals associated with this relationship.
End Relationship Click this icon to end the mentoring relationship.

This icon displays only on the mentor’s screen, so only the mentor can end the relationship.